Patch 25.06 is shaping up to be one of the most exciting updates in League of Legends history, featuring a major rework for Naafiri, significant buffs for Gwen, and the return of the beloved Your Shop feature. Here’s everything we know so far about the upcoming patch, including early notes and changes to champions and systems.
Your Shop Returns
After concerns that Your Shop might be removed following the Hextech Chest controversy, Riot Games has confirmed its return in Patch 25.06. This fan-favorite feature offers players personalized discounts on skins and other cosmetics, making it a welcome addition for bargain hunters and collectors alike.
Champion Changes
Gwen Buffs
Gwen, the Hallowed Seamstress, is receiving a series of adjustments aimed at bringing her back into the meta. While some of her base stats and scaling are being tweaked, the overall changes should make her a more viable pick in both solo queue and competitive play.
Base Stats:
- Base Health Increased: 620 → 650
- Health Growth Reduced: 115 → 110
Passive: Thousand Cuts
- AP Scaling Reduced: 0.6% max HP per 100 AP → 0.55% max HP per 100 AP
- Base Monster Damage Cap Reduced: 10 → 5
Q: Snip Snip
- Final Snip Base Damage Increased: 60-160 → 70-170
W: Hallowed Mist
- Base Resistances Reduced: 22-30 → 25
- Resistances AP Scaling Reduced: 7% AP → 5% AP
E: Skip ‘n Slash
- Base Damage Adjusted: 15 → 12-20
- AP Scaling Increased: 20% → 25%
- Cooldown Reduced: 13-11 → 12-8
- Cooldown Refund Adjusted: 25%-65% → 50%
R: Needlework
- Base Damage Per Hit Reduced: 35-95 → 30-90
- AP Scaling Per Hit Reduced: 10% → 8%
- Slow Increased: 40-60% → 60%
- Reduced Slow Increased: 15-25% → 25%
These changes aim to make Gwen more durable in the early game while fine-tuning her damage output and utility in team fights.
Naafiri Rework
Naafiri, the Hound of a Hundred Bites, is receiving a substantial mid-scope update that feels more like a full rework. Since her release, Naafiri has struggled to find a consistent place in the meta, and these changes aim to make her a more viable and engaging champion.
Base Stats:
- HP Growth Per Level Decreased: 120 → 105
- Base Armor Reduced: 30 → 28
Passive: We Are More
- Max Dogs Increased: 2/3 at levels 1/9 → 2/3/4/5 at levels 1/9/12/15
- Packmate Damage: 12-32 (+5% bonus AD) → 10-20 (+4% bonus AD)
- Packmate Health Growth: 16 → 13
- Packmate AoE Damage Reduction Reduced: 76-50% by level 14 → 75-40% by level 15
- Packmate Tower Damage: 25% → 50%
- Packmates Now Deal 175% Damage to Monsters
- Packmate Taunt Duration Decreased: 3 seconds → 2 seconds
Q: Darkin Daggers
- First Cast Damage Reduced: 35-75 → 30-70
- Second Cast Damage Reduced: 30-90 → 25-85
W: The Call of the Pack
- Naafiri’s ultimate buff has been moved to her W, with her old dash now being her ultimate.
- Hunt Duration: 15 seconds → 5 seconds
- Movement Speed Adjusted: 70-100% decaying over 4 seconds, reduced upon taking damage → 20-30% for 5 seconds
- AD Scaling Adjusted: 5/15/25 (+8-24% bonus AD) → 20% total AD
- Cooldown Reduced: 120-100 seconds → 20-18 seconds
- Mana Cost Reduced: 100 → 60
- Extra Dogs Reduced: 2/3/4 → 2
E: Eviscerate
- Cooldown Reduced: 10-8 → 9-7
- Range Increased: 350 → 450
- Initial Damage Decreased: 35-95 (+50% bonus AD) → 15-55 (+50% bonus AD)
- Now Dashes to Cursor Instead of Always Dashing Full Distance
R: Hounds Pursuit
- Naafiri’s W dash is now her ultimate with its numbers completely changed.
- Can Now Be Recast Once if Naafiri Scores a Takedown Within 12 Seconds
- Cooldown Increased: 22-14 seconds → 110-80 seconds
- Mana Cost Increased: 70-30 → 100
- Range Adjusted: 700/770/860/940 → 900
- Damage Increased: 30-190 (+80% bonus AD) → 150-350 (+120% bonus AD)
- This Ability Is No Longer Blockable
- Can No Longer Be Cast on Minions
- First Cast Reveals a 2100 Unit Area After a Takedown for 1 Second, 4 Seconds for a Champion Takedown
- Second Cast Now Grants 100-200 (+150% bonus AD) Shield for 3 Seconds
- Casting This Ability Extends W’s Duration by 1.75 Seconds
These changes aim to make Naafiri a more dynamic and impactful champion, with a focus on her pack mechanics and mobility.
Singed Adjustments
Singed is also receiving some minor tweaks to balance his performance:
Base Stats:
- Health Growth Per Level Reduced: 99 → 96
- Base Attack Speed Increased: 0.625 → 0.7
Q: Poison Trail
- Now grants kill credit against affected minions if they are about to die to minion damage.
E: Fling
- AP Scaling Reduced: 60% → 55%
Patch 25.06 is set to bring significant changes to League of Legends, with Naafiri’s rework and Gwen’s buffs taking center stage. The return of Your Shop is also a welcome addition for players looking to expand their cosmetic collections.
As always, these changes are subject to further adjustments once the PBE build goes live. Stay tuned for more updates as Riot Games fine-tunes the patch before its official release. Will Naafiri finally find her place in the meta? Can Gwen reclaim her spot as a top-tier pick? Only time will tell!